Career Guidance Assessment & Counselling

Career Guidance Assessment & Counselling

You are in high school / college and you are trying to figure out what you want to do with your life Or You are a professional and looking for a Career change Selecting the Right Career is one of the Biggest Decisions!

Why Take the Career Assessment Test?

Many people find it a daunting task to choose from many career options that may seem appealing. The last thing that you want - in the increasingly complex and competitive work environment is to be stuck in a job that doesn't suit your personality. Hence an understanding of your natural interests, aptitudes, strengths and qualities is a crucial pre-requisite to lead you into the right direction.

How to Take the Test?

Our team of qualified professional career counselors will conduct the following tests – Aptitude, Interest, Intelligence (I.Q), Emotional Intelligence (E.Q) and personality. These tests measure all the important aspects required to help you make an informed decisions.

What will your report tell you?

After completion of these tests, our Career Counselors will prepare Your Career Assessment Report.

Career Guidance Assessment And Counselling Suyambu Counselling Centre

You will be given a detailed Career Guidance Report

The detailed report will highlight your Career options, interests, aptitude and personality. Our professional counselors will suggest a minimum of 3 Career recommendations best suited for you.

A little Career planning can form a good launch pad for your future

If you need counseling/psychological help or support, Please do contact us on 097151 22666 or mail us at to discuss for any of our services.